Compressor maintenance - Looking after your Compressed Air System in Summer June 2023

Looking after your Compressed Air System for a Hassle Free Summer

With much of the UK having experienced a heatwave, the Met Office has said that June 2023 is the hottest June on record for the UK in a series that dates back to 1884. Whilst many in Scotland have been enjoying the higher temperatures and early summer, without a little consideration and some simple cleaning tips, your compressed air system may not. If left unchecked, warm summer weather can cause several problems for your air compressor and compressed air installation that could lead to reduced efficiency right through to costly downtime. To help keep your compressor system running efficiently and reliably throughout the summer months, we've compiled some simple tips and maintenance considerations in this seasonal 'Know How' blog post.

How to keep your compressor running efficiently throughout the warmer Summer months

Warm Summer weather, higher plant room temperatures, and increased humidity mean more water and more airborne particles - such as pollen - are present in the air. This requires your compressed air system to work harder to continue producing high-quality and dry compressed air. If your compressed air system is not well maintained and therefore ready for higher summer temperatures, it could lead to reduced efficiency through to costly downtime and even a lower life expectancy of your compressed air equipment. With Summer upon us and temperatures continuing to rise, this is a great time to give your compressed air system the once over; consider a general service and to ensure that it is prepared and in the best condition ready to cope with the warm weather we are enjoying. Below we have provided you with some key areas of your compressed air system that you might consider checking as part of a general summer maintenance and good housekeeping routine:


  • Temperature and ventilation: As the temperatures rise during both day and night, it becomes crucial to monitor the temperature of your compressor and ensure sufficient ventilation in and around the compressor house (if applicable) to prevent overheating. Poor ventilation and high temperatures can cause the compressor to overheat, leading to unplanned and expensive downtime for repairs.
  • Coolers: Additionally, it is important to check, monitor and clean the coolers, especially the pre-filters, on your compressors during the summer season. Neglecting to clean them could cause inefficiency and overheating, which is why replacing the pre-filter elements is a low-cost precautionary measure to take as part of your summer routine maintenance and cleaning regime.


In addition to checking your compressor, it is important to check over your downstream compressed air treatment equipment. Higher humidity levels in warm air can create excess moisture that your compressed air system will have to work harder to remove throughout the summer months. Here are some things to keep in mind:
  • Compressed air dryers: Check the settings on your compressed air dryers and adjust them if necessary. Some models may have winter and summer settings which will need to be changed. Check and ensure the condenser is clean and free from dirt or debris, as this can cause the dryer to overheat.
  • Filters: Check and inspect to make sure your compressed air filters are clean and working efficiently. They will be working harder in summer to remove increased particles like pollen from the compressed air.
  • Condensate Drains: Check that any condensate drains are clean and functioning properly so they can also get the extra water out of your compressed air that the warmer weather creates.
  • Oil/water separators (condensate treatment): Check the condition of your oil/water separators as they will be dealing with increased condensation through the warmer months. Ageing filters should be replaced as part of routine maintenance to avoid disposal of contaminated condensate and potential environmental impact.
compressor maintenance - Checking your air treatment equipment


  • Preventative maintenance: One of the most important requirements of a compressed air supply is maximum availability. Summer is a crucial time to ensure that your compressed air system is serviced to ensure that it is in optimum condition and ready for the challenges that the warm summer months will bring. To ensure the maximum long-term efficiency and reliability of a compressor installation or compressed air system all year round, it is important that it is maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations using genuine spare parts.


Above are just a few simple suggestions and areas to consider. To give your compressor installation a thorough once-over this summer and to ensure its continued reliability and effectiveness, it is always best to seek specialist advice and assistance. We provide expert support, help, and advice for all makes and types of air compressors and compressed air equipment. Our specialist compressed air engineers are multi-skilled, factory trained and have a wealth of experience in installing, servicing and maintaining compressed air systems all year round while in all manner of locations and environments.

For more information and further professional advice on summer maintenance and checks for your compressed air system, please contact our expert team on 0800 008 6588 -

Source & Credit: Many thanks to our colleagues at KAESER - Australia for kindly allowing Kerr to repurpose and share this ‘KAESER Know How Blog’.
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